July 2020 Newsletter

“It’s hard to imagine what life would be if Lorenzo hadn’t gone to camp,” Shanika said. Lorenzo was out of control and she had to where to turn for help. Because of your support, Fair Play was able to be there for them.
Equipping Boys for Life
“It’s hard to imagine what life would be if Lorenzo hadn’t gone to camp,” Shanika said. Lorenzo was out of control and she had to where to turn for help. Because of your support, Fair Play was able to be there for them.
It’s only because of your prayers and support that camp has been able to help boys and their families for the past 39 years. Together, we have impacted many lives for the kingdom.
Your donations impact more people than you may think. Read how you help to equip boys, strengthen families and equip leaders.
Being able to afford camp is not something that parents should be worrying about. They should be focused on getting their son help and restoring their family.
Read how your generosity makes it possible for families to send their son to camp—even if they can’t afford it.
Cole sometimes wondered what would have happened to him if he hadn’t gone to Fair Play. While he can’t say for sure, he knows that he would have been a lot worse off. Camp helped him grow in so many ways and he is who he is today because of it.
Learn how you helped Cole turn his life around at Fair Play.
Families who adopt from foreign countries are often unprepared for the effects of their son’s previous experiences. Those experiences can cause negative behaviors and a struggle to build relationships and trust with adoptive families. Because of your support, these families had a place to get the help they needed!
Everything had to be done Ryan’s way, or he would explode in anger and violence. “Things had gotten so bad that I called camp crying,” his mother Denise said. “I was unsure about camp’s ability to help Ryan. I was feeling pretty helpless. I didn’t think anyone or anything could help him.” Read the story of how Ryan changed at camp.
Food is a huge part of camp. Before you can start a boy’s therapy, you must first meet his basic needs. Good food shows the boys that we really care about them. Learn how food at camp makes memories, builds spirit, and creates community.
David and Beth tell their family’s story of fear and desperation, trying to find help for their adopted son Miguel. “We were on our own. We didn’t know where to turn.”
Today, Miguel’s father David says, “Three or four years ago, we were not sure what was going to happen. Now he has the tools to live a successful life.”
In this newsletter we remember Floyd Yoder, the founder of Fair Play Camp School, who passed away this past December. Listen to former campers and those who worked with Floyd over the years as they describe this man who loved God and loved people.